Embrace Your Day Job with Screenwriter Charlotte Winters

We talked with screenwriter Charlotte Winters about why we shouldn’t quit our day jobs but embrace them instead. Charlotte reads from Big Magic: Creative Living Beyond Fear by Elizabeth Gilbert to inspire us to not force our creativity to make us a living. By placing our creativity in it’s proper place, we create with more freedom and joy.

Charlotte is an award-winning screenwriter with an MFA from UCLA who associate produced a show on behalf of The History Channel, lectured at UCLA, and freelanced at WB and FX.

Charlotte’s Links

Charlotte’s Blog

Charlotte’s email address (if people want to join the Screenwriting Power Hour): charlotte@modernscreenplay.com

Accidental Medical Discoveries: How Tenacity and Pure Dumb Luck Changed the World P by Robert Winters

Hey Jon Meyers

Learn more about foraging (and maybe buy some of the best tea ever) from https://www.instagram.com/highgardentea/?hl=en

Learn more about why you should eat more plants at https://journals.asm.org/doi/10.1128/msystems.00031-18

Who Quit What Job Links

Mary Stella Davis website

Betsey Kulakowski podcast and website

Bob Sáenz That’s Not the Way It Works: a no-nonsense look at the craft and business of screenwriting

Bob Sáenz Jessica’s Vampire Diary

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Write Anyway: Giving Yourself Permission to Write No Matter What

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