I'm A Writer, but...

“I’m a writer, but…” What’s stopping you?

Are you a writer? Can you confidently say it?

Last week, we were at the Southern Festival of Books and talked to many people who hesitated to say, “Yes, I’m a writer.”

We dig into why we hesitate—including our own perfectionism, confidence killers, burn-out, and more—and how we overcome them.

We also learn about the origins of our perception of ghosts and play a silly game where Emily has to create a spontaneous presentation using pre-chosen slides by Jon Meyers.

Call to Action

Write something every day! Emily is taking on the challenge (Jon Meyers already does it!).

Hey Jon Meyers

Emily learned about transparent ghosts via author @JasonPargin on Instagram here.

Learn more here.

One response to ““I’m a writer, but…” What’s stopping you?”

  1. Jeanice Birch Avatar
    Jeanice Birch

    Even though I am not currently writing a novel, I signed up for NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month) this year with just a goal of writing something every day. So far this November, I have written a children’s book each day for my nine-month-old granddaughter! And at the end of each day, I write at least the germ of an idea for tomorrow’s story.