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Dealing with Disappointment—Episode 21
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Whether you’re a writer or not, you have probably been disappointed by something. If you are a writer, you’ve most definitely been disappointed (unless you’re Jon Meyers and have trained your brain to think positively at all times!).
Today, we share how we deal with disappointment and offer some advice to help you make the most of it.
But first we talk to Eeky, Emily’s imaginary friend she referred to in our villain origin story episode! Then, we talk about our new partnership with Drip Confections, and we play a silly game involving Jon Meyers “life tenants.”
Call to Action Responses
But first, we’ll hear from Anna Boring and Josh Flatt!
Hey Jon Meyers
Learn more about sleep disorders here and here!
We Recommend
Check out Writing Excuses if you haven’t already!
Check out Drip Confections!
We recommend Boundaries by Dr. Henry St. Cloud and Dr. Townsend
The essay by Aldous Huxley is “Tragedy and the Whole Truth,” and it’s very much worth reading.
Call to Action
Tell us about a time when you were disappointed by something—then something better happened!
00:01 Introduction
Emily has mixed feelings about seeing Eeky again
Emily has a secret
Emily meets Sandra Tayler and has a surprise announcement
Jon Meyers is addicted to cheese foam
Jon Meyers visits
Jon Meyers get the details wrongs
17:45 YOU RESPOND! Anna Boring is so smart Joshua references the original Lord Of The Rings animated film Jon Meyers and Emily are break a “rule”
Emily and Jon Meyers love the book BOUNDARIES
Responding to rejection
The Bethany Smith Paradigm
There are so many factors out of your control
Aldous Huxley “Tragedy and the Whole Truth”
#JonMeyersLifeTenet: The Detour Doesn’t Keep You From Your Destiny
Disappointment Can Cause A Needed Course Correction
37:28 CALL TO ACTION: Tell Us About A Time When You Were Disappointed, but then… Something Better Happened
40:45 Mope vs. Certainty of the Mission
42:30 Quantifiable Impacts
44:45 #HEYJONMEYERS What do Octopuses and Mike Birbiglia have in common? (They were both mentioned on this podcast!)
Dreaming, Sleep Paralysis, Nightmares, Dream Disorders, Night Terrors
54:40 Emily creates a game “Jon Meyers Life Tenet In Reverse”