Improving Classroom Experiences for Students with Mental Disabilities with Hunter Little

Hunter Little shares her doctoral research on the effects of centering a writing class on mental disability. We talk about building community, the opportunity for building relationships in a writing classroom, how students respond to discussions of mental health, and more!

Meanwhile, Jon Meyers and Emily Brooks talk about octopuses and play a silly game from the Taskmaster TV show.

Call to Action Responses

We heard from Bethany Hale and Ashley Hargrove!

Bethany shares how she considers audience when writing.

Ashley Hargrove shares the log line and big news about her upcoming film, Marriage Bites! Find the promo info and how to support the film here!

Hunter Recommends

A Transfer Subject: Tracing Boundary-Work and Micro-Transfer in First-Year Composition by Dylan London Medina

The Bodymind Problem and the Possibilities of Pain by Margaret Price

Here’s our affiliate link to one of the books Hunter mentioned: The Body Keeps the Score: Brain, Mind, and Body in the Healing of Trauma Bessel Van Der Kolk (Author)

Our Bookshelf

How to Read Nancy: The Elements of Comics in Three Easy Panels by Paul Karasik (affiliate link)

Our Book! Write Anyway

Here’s the trailer where we talk about our book, WRITE ANYWAY!

Call to Action

Move. Choose an activity that takes your focus towards your body, such as breath work, walking, dancing, etc. Then give that movement an intention. Example from Hunter: “On this walk, I’m taking myself farther from X person.” She also recommends choosing a movement or activity that is unusual for you. Listen to her whole explanation here!

If you do this, tell us about it!

Hey Jon Meyers!

Learn more about today’s secret topic by watching the documentary for free on National Geographic.


00:00 Our book is finished! WRITE ANYWAY: Giving Yourself Permission To Write No Matter What is coming soon.

01:50 Introduction QUITE THE LIST Emily goes camping with her parents. Jon Meyers accidentally wrote a poetry book. Details in November.

08:48 VIEWERS RESPOND Bethany Hale, Ashley Hargrove Marriage Bites IndieGoGo

12:53 BIG IDEA: Improving Classroom Experiences For Students With Mental Disabilities with Hunter Little

16:33 Hunter’s Research Questions and Definitions

19:43 “What happens in the writing classroom when we center discourses of disability and mental disability specifically?” “What changes occur when students are reading and writing about mental disability?” “To what extent can these changes prepare students for future engagement with mental disability?”

20:20 Definitions Mental disability is “…a term encompassing cognitive, intellectual, and psychiatric disabilities, mental illness, madness, and autism, as well as brain injury and psychiatric survivorship.” –Margaret Price Transfer Studies definition Micro-transfer definition

26:35 IRB Approval Process

28:19 Course Design and Study Implementation

29:53 Second Study Data Analysis

31:40 Relationships to Disability

32:36 Ethan Heiss (pseudonym)

40:00 Peter (pseudonym)

47:00 Some Takeaways

48:00 Classroom Community and Making Connections

51:33 Foster (pseudonym) Collective Care

54:00 Prelude to the Call-To-Action Self-acceptance, Group-acceptance

57:11 CALL TO ACTION: MOVE!!! Choose an intention for your movement

01:01:05 #HEYJONMEYERS Some entities that use a specific type of other entities

01:11:00 RING THAT BELL !!!

01:11:50 THE FINAL ACT: Do You Ring The Bell?

01:16:16 We Couldn’t Have Done It Without You!