Every Call to Action

Episode 1: How Hobbies Enhance Your Writing (and your life!)

Write about a hobby!

It can be a poem, a descriptive paragraph, a short memoir, a short fiction piece—anything! Share it on our Facebook page or in the comments below! If you want, share your socials or a publication that you want us to share in our show notes.

Episode 2: Every Moment Has Prepared You For Now

Consider how your past has led to now and write a creative piece about it. This can be fiction, poetry, memoir—whatever!

Episode 3: A Conversation with Bob Sáenz about Networking

Step outside and write a log line about the first thing you see!

Episode 4: Prioritizing Your Writing: We React to a Michael Jamin Video

What time sucks do you need to get rid of so you can focus on writing?

Episode 5: You can know when to stop revising your work-in-progress

If your community were to change your name based on your characteristics, what would they change it to?

Episode 6: Our favorite advice for writers

What’s YOUR favorite writing advice?

Episode 7: Myth of original premises: Embrace the similarities

What works are similar to yours that you can use as comp titles when pitching to agents or producers?

Episode 8: Unraveling truths with true-crime storyteller/attorney Kerrie Droban

Kerrie’s Call to Action is for you to identify and share the “watershed” moment for your character. What moment was the turning point for your character that made them who they are? This may change the trajectory of your story!

Episode 9: Unconventional productivity tips for writers with romance author Pinar Tarhan

Relating to the Hey Jon Meyers topic and Pinar Tarhan’s experience with speaking multiple languages, we want to know what different “languages” you speak. These can be literal languages, or they can be just things you say such as idioms, slang, unique speech patterns, inside jokes, etc. How does this affect your writing and dialogue?

Episode 10: Writing romance and a book series with author Pinar Tarhan

Share your own unconventional advice! It can be writing-related or not.

Episode 11: How to overcome anxieties around querying, networking, and more!

Share the log line for your work in progress, and we will give you feedback!

Episode 12: How audience and intention affect how you write

Pick a side! You’ll have to listen to the episode to hear both viewpoints, then let us know what you think!

Episode 13: Embracing Trials, Rejection, and Failure as a Writer

Get a “no”! Send a query to an agent and get a no! Or ask for a favor and get a no. Remember that just asking is a success! Then share the story with us.

Episode 14: Bob Sáenz returns: Story logic, biopics, and memoir

Say hi to 10 people and tell us what happens!

Episode 15: Mindfulness, Organization, and Work-Life Balance with Sara Wigal

Try to Implement a Mindful Practice into Your Writing Life or Use Your Timeboxing Skills to Schedule Specific Writing Times (see 57:56)

Episode 16: Are you bored enough? Poet Adrian Sanders on why boredom sparks creativity

Put your phone down and notice your surroundings. Tell us how it goes! See 50:35 

Episode 17: Layering Conflict in Your Story with Brian Baker

Look at your work and try to add conflict to it! If you have conflict already, add another layer. Let us know what you did and how it affected your story! See 54:00

Episode 18: Making Mental Health Work for You with Lucy V Hay

What’s The Worst That Can Happen? Then… What’s The Likelihood Of That Actually Happening? See 01:01:30

Episode 19: Improving Classroom Experiences for Students with Mental Disabilities with Hunter Little

Move. Choose an intention for your movement. For full explanation, see 57:11

Episode 20: The Little Rascals 30th Anniversary: Behind the Scenes with Paul Guay

Follow Paul’s advice about getting out of your bubble here and let us know how it goes!

Episode 21: Dealing with Disappointment

Tell us about a time when you were disappointed by something but then something better happened.