Finding What Works For You: Emily’s Writing Process

From brainstorming to revision, Emily shares how her writing process has changed over time and what worked for her when she wrote her most recent fantasy novel.

We Recommend*

Emily uses this Word Count Tracker and Agent Query Tracker, both available on her store.

The Science of Storytelling by Will Storr. See all of Emily’s favorite books on writing here! All books are available in her bookshop.

Trout Fishing in America by Richard Brautigan

Emily recommends Balto by Universal Studios (just the first one!)

Listener Responses

We hear from Misty L. Butler.

Misty can be found on TikTok @studioofmistylbutler and Youtube @studioofmistyl.butler2060

Hey Jon Meyers

Emily talks about the fascinating nature of reindeer!

The Final Act

Jon Meyers plays Wiki-How-Do-You-Do-It.

*This page contains affiliate links for products we recommend. Thanks for supporting us!

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