What to Do with Your Finished Screenplay with Bob Sáenz

We talked (again!) with the wonderful screenwriter Bob Sáenz about marketing yourself and your scripts. We talked about querying, festivals, contests, and other insights about joining the film industry. Then we play a silly game with Bob!


That’s No The Way It Works: a no-nonsense look at the craft and business of screenwriting

Jessica’s Vampire Diary


Do organic farmers use pesticides?

Emily disagrees with how QI handled this question, so she clarifies the answer.

As you’ll see here, the USDA specifically distinguishes non-synthetic substances from synthetic ones.

Advice Bob Saenz Brandon Sanderson confidence Creative Writing David Lynch elevator pitch Esai Morales how to have unique story ideas How to know when you're done revising imposter syndrome indie artists indie publishing Lucy V Hay mental health Michael Jamin music industry National Poetry Month Networking networking for authors networking for introverts nonfiction Paper Orchestra Pinar Tarhan prioritizing writing productivity querying agents Revision screenwriting Self-Improvement southern oasis film festival story idea inspiration teaching Trusting your instincts Vicki Abelson write what you know writing Writing advice writing career writing conferences writing lifestyle writing memoir writing podcast writing prompt Writing tips